Medicinal Marijuana
Did You Know?

Medicinal marijuana has proven to be a helpful medication in many of the protocols designed with our client-centered approach. This has been especially true for aiding the remission process for Alcohol Use Disorders and Opioid Use Disorders. A transition from opioids and/or fentanyl onto Buprenorphine > followed by a steady tapering down, while implementing medicinal marijuana has been instrumental for many of our cases now in Sustained Remission. This sort of protocol has helped save lives. Of course, being informed of this medicine's various stains and potential risks is also imperative to your success.

An intensive twelve-week program, followed by our six-month semi-intensive works best, with or without this medicinal component. Not all folks are comfortable with medication assisted treatment period. We teach about alternative herbs as well. Please let us know if you're interested in learning more about potential approaches to extinguishing self-defeating behaviors like addiction. These are educational training sessions that require about twenty minutes a day and attending self-help groups regularly. We recommend exploring options available in your area for face-to-face groups if suitable to your profile we build together.

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