Did You Know? Medicinal marijuana has proven to be a useful medication in many of our cases reaching Sustained Remission. Of course, with our client-centered approach, it is imperative a good profile is established prior to considering it a protocol option. We believe it has been a life-saver for some. It is especially useful for facilitating the remission process for Opioid Use Disorders. A transition from use of opiates or opioids (i.e. morphine or fentanyl respectively) onto Buprenorphine/Naloxone medication has proven to be highly effective. Following this medication assisted treatment approach with a slow replacement of medical marijuana has been instrumental for many. Of course, being informed of this medicine's various stains and potential risks is also crucial to successful achievement of remission. Learn more with us! Did You Know? An intensive twelve-week program, followed by our six-month semi-intensive works best, with or without this medicinal component. Not all folks are comfortable with medication assisted treatment period. We teach about alternative herbs as well. If you're interested in learning more about potential approaches to extinguishing self-defeating behaviors like addiction or any others, snoop around here, take advantage of our Evening Sesions, while still available at no cost. | Medication Assisted | | Return Home | Our Services | Personal Health | Social Health | |